Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks

!±8± Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks

It doesn't matter if you have a big family or if you're on your own... Halloween is one of the most fun holidays ever invented. But if you are a busy mom (and your house is the one house on the block where everyone goes for Halloween parties) you may be looking for some quick and easy Halloween party snacks to have ready for kids, visitors, guests, and freeloading adult friends during the Halloween season.

Looking for some new ideas for festive snacks that don't take a hundred years (or work your fingers to the bone) to put together? The ten Halloween party snack ideas below are lots of fun, simple to make... and some of them are even healthy!

1. Rotting Eyes and Severed Fingers

This is a very healthy but rather creepy Halloween party snack that makes good use of black olives and baby carrots. Arrange the black olives and baby carrots on a party tray with a bowl of your favorite dip (I like a cream cheese veggie dip). Inform your party guests that the tray is filled with rotting black eyes and severed fingers. And then watch this snack disappear. A good way to get your kids excited about veggies!

2. Jack o' Lantern Oranges

This healthy treat is so easy to make, and looks so pretty! Carve jack-o'-lantern faces into oranges and place on a platter. The kids will love it. And they can help, too, without ever having to pick up a knife. Have them simply draw the faces on with a black marker, and carve them yourself. Or don't worry about carving them-- they look just as good with faces drawn on.

As a variation of this fun Halloween party snack, I like to hollow out an orange with a Jack o' Lantern face and fill it with fruit salad. Healthy, easy and quick!

3. Easy Bugs in the Bone Yard

This is such a fun Halloween snack for the kiddos. All you have to do? Sprinkle raisins into a bowl full of white-chocolate covered pretzels. (You could also use chocolate covered raisins.) Kids will eat them up once they learn the name of this snack. Or they'd eat it up anyway, since this mix tastes divine.

4. Slimy Halloween Jigglers

You know those Jello jiggler molds? They work great for Halloween! Either use whatever you have lying around the house, or go out and pick up a brain or a heart-shaped Jello mold. Make up a batch of orange, black, purple, or flesh-colored Jello and pour into your mold(s). Or make a flat pan of Jello and cut out shapes with Halloween cookie cutters instead.

5. Ghost Cereal Bars

Prepare a batch of the Rice Krispies marshmallow treats recipe on the back of the cereal box. When the mixture has set up, cut out shapes with ghost shaped cookie cutter. Pour warm white frosting or melted white chocolate over the shapes to cover. Add M&M eyes and mouth. A delicious and easy Halloween party snack.

6. Green Gelatin Intestines

This is one of the grosser looking Halloween party snacks. Make lime gelatin and add pineapple bits, chopped marshmallows, sliced bananas and mandarin oranges. Pour gelatin mixture into an angel food cake pan and let set up. Invert pan to remove gelatin mold. Slice the mold horizontally into about 5 layers. Slice the layers in half and arrange on a platter in semi-circles to look like intestines. Gross!

7. Spooky Healthy Eyeballs

This Halloween party snack is both easy and healthy. Wash a bunch of green grapes. Insert a raisin into the stem end of the grapes and freeze them all until ready to serve.

8. Monster Crackers

Color some white vegetable spread or cream cheese with green food coloring and spread on your favorite crackers. Arrange small bits of green and red bell peppers to make a green-eyed, red-mouthed cracker monster. Use small amounts of broccoli sprouts to make the monster hair. A sneaky way to get kids eating their veggies.

9. Wormy Halloween Punch Recipe

No respectable Halloween party snack list would do with out having this squeamish punch. Just make green Kool-Aid and put in a clear glass punch bowl. Set the punch bowl on top of a glow necklace so the light shines through the punch bowl. Add some gummy worms and watch the kids squirm when they see it.

10. Vampire Blood

You use V8 juice for this one so it is healthier than the wormy punch above. Pour the V8 juice in a clear picture that you have labeled as "Vampire Blood." For an adult party, add the ingredients for a bloody Mary, if you like. For a kids' party, well... good luck getting them to try it. It is V8, after all!

Ten Fun and Creepy Halloween Party Snacks

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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Great Snack Ideas For the Classroom

!±8± Great Snack Ideas For the Classroom

Pre-schoolers and elementary students alike need a little pick-me-up now and then. Whether you need to send in treats on a regular schedule, or you have volunteered to help out with a special event, a special snack from this list is sure to please. Depending on how festive you want the occasion to be, you can package snacks in plain zip top bags, decorate your own bags, or purchase special treat bags that are designed to suit the occasion and then tie them up with pieces of ribbon when you have them filled.

Make sure you check with your school or teacher to see if there are any foods they don't allow at snack time. There are many restrictions in schools that don't allow you to serve certain types of foods to children, which can make it difficult to plan for snacks that are fun for kids. Many schools don't allow you to serve any peanuts or peanut butter due to allergy severity, and you may not have the option of giving kids foods that contain added sugar. If you are restricted to those foods that are deemed "safe and healthy", then you will need to add even more imagination to the presentation of the food to make it appealing to small children.

Great snack ideas:

Rice Krispie Treats are a favorite of children and adults alike. If you want to give them something besides the typical Rice Krispie square, mix up a big batch of the treats and add colored Krispies or food coloring. You do not need to be restricted to rice cereal-try a variety of different cereals for a different look, or go whole grain for a healthy, energy packed choice. Use cookie cutters in fun shapes or for the holiday to cut out the treats and you can add a popsicle stick to make eating them easier and neater!

Popcorn balls are a favorite treat, especially in the fall. Try mixing in a few M&M's and putting the ball on a stick. You can find many recipes online for caramel, cinnamon, and other flavored popcorn balls to give kids something a little less traditional. Popcorn may not be suitable for kids under the age of five, so be sure to check with your child's teacher if needed.

Veggies with Dip is a great snack for kids. One of the things that increases children's taste for vegetables is ranch dressing. If you can afford to get them the individual dipping cups with the dressing then have the carrot and celery sticks, broccoli, cauliflower, etc. already prepared, then it's just a matter of having the veggies divided and ready to eat. If this takes too much out of your budget, then get some little paper cups or holiday treat holders that won't easily spill and spoon out from the jar.

Fruit and Yogurt is another great snack time combo. Cut the fruit into small pieces for dipping, and serve with vanilla yogurt "dip. Home made trail mix is another great idea. You can easily make it in bulk, use the ingredients you want, and then package it in a variety of fun containers. This is a treat that is healthy, delicious, and approved by most schools! Ingredients can include any dry, bite sized morsels, like cereals, raisins, crackers, or seeds. Adding a small amount of a "fun" item like M&Ms can make your snack mix more appealing-just watch out for poachers!

You can also mix up a batch of "Chex" party mix. The recipe should be right on the box of cereal and is usually made in bulk. Kids will love helping to make their own snack right in the classroom and all you need are fun containers to scoop it into!

Whatever you choose as a snack for the classroom, keep in mind that packaging is a big part of the fun. Look for inexpensive and creative ways to serve great classroom snacks!

Great Snack Ideas For the Classroom

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Best Easter Food Ideas - How to Make the Most Talked About Dish

!±8± Best Easter Food Ideas - How to Make the Most Talked About Dish

Easter is one of the best holidays to cook for. You get to enjoy a meal with your family and friends without having to worry about all those last minute gifts you have to buy. However, many people have trouble coming up with some good Easter brunch ideas which are both tasty and will get lots of compliments. Of course ham, cheese balls, and many other common Easter foods come to mind, but what about something really unique? Here are some easy ideas you might try.

1. Birds Nest Treats

These are like Rice Krispies treats, except you should use Chow Mein Noodles instead of Rice Krispies. Form them into a ball, and then before they are done cooling shape them into a bird's nest. Place some jelly beans in the nest and you'll have the cutest treats anyone has ever seen.

2. Cupcakes

There are a few good options for cupcakes. One is to make bunny cupcakes. Use the icing to draw a bunny on top. You might do the same with a yellow chick. Another option is to make a bunny-nest cupcake. This is the same as a coconut cupcake, but you should first dye the coconut strands green. You can do this by putting green dye and shredded coconut into a Ziploc bag and working the dye into the coconut.

3. Easter Egg Hunt Cake

This is a regular cake, except it's a lot more fun! When you decorate your cake, sprinkle shredded green coconut on top. Then use some speckled jelly beans as eggs, and "hide" them underneath the grass at various places. You might even put a chocolate or marshmallow bunny on top of the cake who is "looking" for the hidden eggs!

4. Jello Eggs

Jello is one of the easiest foods to make, so this is a quick and easy recipe. Rather than making your Jello in a bowl, you can make it in the shape of eggs. You can buy the mold at the grocery store or a craft store. There are many different colors you can make, and they look great served on a plate.

5. Salad

Not just any salad. We're talking Easter salad here. You're bound to have a lot of hard-boiled eggs left over from the Easter festivities, so why not put them to good use? You can make a delicious egg salad. Another great idea is to make a carrot salad. Carrots are bunny food, so this is an obvious Easter theme. Why not combine both: Carrot egg salad.

Best Easter Food Ideas - How to Make the Most Talked About Dish

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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Kids Cooking Party - Kids Party Food They Can Make Themselves

!±8± Kids Cooking Party - Kids Party Food They Can Make Themselves

Kids parties can work out to be very expensive, especially when you factor in the cost of the kids party food, table decorations, balloons and party bags, hiring the party venue, plus the cost of booking a children's entertainer if you choose to have one. A lot of parents budgets are already stretched to breaking point, so how do you host a fun party for your little one on a tight budget without it feeling like you are cutting corners?

Parents often try to cram as much activity and entertainment into the usual allotted two hours than they possibly can, and will normally prepare the kids party food in advance of the party. But why not make preparing the party food as much of the party as pass the parcel and musical statues. You could even save money by having this as the main activity rather than hire an entertainer.

If you are having your kids party at home, this is fine as you will be able to use your own kitchen. If you are hiring a village hall then check to see if use of the kitchen is included, most of the time it will be, and most will have a kettle, microwave and kitchen utensils you can use.

Make use of any large tables you can use within the hall, or if they do not have any to use, borrow some paste tables from your friends or the parents of the other children coming to the party. Put the tables together to make one large work surface and cover with disposable paper table cloths, or use a couple of large re-usable plastic coated table covers. These can be purchased quite cheaply from DIY shops. Covering the tables like this will mean an easy clean up at the end of the party. You can also pick up packs of plastic spoons and knives from party sections of most supermarkets, along with paper plates and napkins.

Kids sandwiches tend to be quite simple, so buy enough loaves of bread to make at least one sandwich per child, a large jar of chocolate spread will go down very well, and so will a tub of spreadable cream cheese. A fun thing to offer is to make open faced sandwiches that kids can actually turn into funny faces!

For example, with a chocolate spread sandwich you can make eyes from slices of banana, a nose from half a strawberry, and a smiling mouth can be formed from some blueberries. Soft fruit such as bananas and strawberries can easily be sliced by children using plastic knives. A cream cheese sandwich can have sliced hard boiled egg eyes, a cherry tomato nose, and a piece of sliced sweet red pepper for a mouth. Kids treats can be made easily, and here is where you would need use of the kitchen most.

Everyone is familiar with rice crispie cakes, so bring along a box of crispies, a few bars of chocolate, paper cake cases and plenty of plastic spoons. You can melt the chocolate in a microwave proof bowl in the microwave, or if the kitchen does not have one, on the kitchen hob in a bowl over a pan of hot water. If you have enough small cereal bowls to give one per child, then use these, or alternatively paper dishes can be picked up cheaply from the party ware section of supermarkets.

Divide the crispies between the children's bowls and pour a little melted chocolate into each bowl. I have to say that most of the mixture does not make the paper cake cases when I have done this before, instead it ends up being eaten sneakily straight from the bowl while I am not looking! However, you do end up with some neat little chocolate crispy cakes that the kids can eat themselves or take home with them.

Iced biscuits are simple and cheap to make, and to save time and money just buy some supermarket own brand plain biscuits. You will need some icing sugar and some small sweets or sugar sprinkles to decorate the tops of the biscuits. Let the children open the biscuit packets and divide them up, meanwhile make up a large bowl of icing in the kitchen, then pour some into smaller bowls or paper bowls for the children to use. They just spread over the icing and decorate to their liking.

Believe me when I say that time really does fly when you get the kids to make their own party food. It is really good fun, and very absorbing.

Kids Cooking Party - Kids Party Food They Can Make Themselves

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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Chocolate Mars Bar Crispies (Naughty Chocolate Crackles!) - RECIPE

ONEPOT CHEF COOKBOOK - NOW AVAILABLE: www.lulu.com PLEASE SUBSCRIBE! au.youtube.com FOLLOW ME! www.twitter.com BECOME A FAN ON FACEBOOK! www.facebook.com Chocolate Mars Bar Crispies are a naughty choc indulgence. Corn Flakes smothered in thick, velvet melted Mars Bars and butter. Serve at kids parties, or just when you fancy a wicked little treat! ================= RECIPE FACT SHEET ================= INGREDIENTS IN THIS DISH: 3 x King Size Mars Bars (200g in Total) 50g Unsalted Butter 2 1/2 Cups of Corn Flakes Preperation Time: 10 minutes Chilling Time: 30 Minutes ALL MEASUREMENTS GIVEN ARE AUSTRALIAN STANDARD METRIC (Look up Google for a converstion chart if using Imperial) Music by Kevin McLeod (Used with Permission) incompetech.com

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

Healthy Rice Crispy Treats Recipe

Healthy rice crispy treats make a great kids snack or dessert. Learn to make healthy rice crispy treats with brown rice syrup and peanut butter. For more info, check out the About.com article: kidscooking.about.com Watch More How To Videos on our YouTube Channel: www.youtube.com Watch More How To Videos on About.com: video.about.com Connect with About.com on Facebook www.facebook.com Follow About.com Video on Twitter: twitter.com

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Friday, November 11, 2011

Rice Krispies Diet Recipe - Delicious Treats For the Calorie Counter on the Prowl For a Diet Recipe

!±8± Rice Krispies Diet Recipe - Delicious Treats For the Calorie Counter on the Prowl For a Diet Recipe

If you are on a diet, you might be thinking to yourself "hey self, you know what I want? I want a delicious treat!" Well, here's the good news for you - I have a Rice Krispies diet recipe that I would love to share with you.

Find a pan to cook your wonderful little bars on. I use a 9x9 inch pan, but you may prefer a different size. Keep in mind, however, the proportions of ingredients I suggest are based off of this size of a pan. Spray this pan and your cooking spoon with your favorite cooking spray.

Next, mix together 3 tablespoons of unsalted butter and 1 quarter cup of light brown sugar. Make sure to cook in a saucepan, stirring nonstop, on medium heat for around 2 minutes, or until you notice that the sugar and butter are both melted. After these 2 minutes have passed, add a quarter teaspoon of ground cinnamon. Continue to stir this mixture.

While stirring, throw in 2 1/2 cups of mini marshmallows, and continue to mix your concoction until your marshmallows are completely melted. At this point you may toss in 4 1/2 cups of Rice Krispies, 1/2 cup of dice dried apricots, and 1/3 cup of toasted sliced almonds. Again, stir until all of your ingredients are evenly dispersed.

Transfer your mixture into your cooking pan, and put the pan in your refrigerator for around 30 minutes, give or take. After these 30 minutes have come and gone, slice your Rice Krispies diet recipe creation into however many slices you would like. I usually try to do 10.

Melt 1/2 cup of white chocolate chips in a pan at low heat. Add 2 teaspoons of canola oil and stir as your chocolate is melting. For an extra touch that I especially like, add 2 teaspoons of Grand Marnier into your melted chocolate, and you have a finished topping for your Rice Krispies.

Lather your treats with this topping and watch the chocolate flow along the sides of your bars. Once you have finished spreading your topping, simply allow the bars to cool by letting them sit, or by transferring them to wax paper to allow them to cool out in the open.

We just shared these treats at a Thanksgiving party my wife threw for our friends. Nobody could taste a difference between this recipe and any other recipe they were accustomed to, and even made remarks about how something so tasty cannot possibly be good for you!

Rice Krispies Diet Recipe - Delicious Treats For the Calorie Counter on the Prowl For a Diet Recipe

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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Traditional Birthday Cakes and Their Alternatives

!±8± Traditional Birthday Cakes and Their Alternatives

One of the first things that comes to mind when you think of a birthday celebration is the cake. It is often the focal point of the table. When planning a celebration, you have more cake design options than you would ever imagine. It would be easy to feel overwhelmed when choosing a cake. You can simplify the process by following a few simple suggestions.

First, you need to decide the theme of your party. If you are buying the cake from a bakery or ordering it from a professional baker, you need to know how large you want the cake to be, how many people you plan to serve, and the price range you want to stay within. Ask them what designs are available related to the party theme you chose. You definitely need to plan ahead and order your cake in an appropriate time frame.

If you plan to bake the cake yourself, you can find recipes and decorating ideas online and in almost any cookbook. Some designs will require special pans while others can be made in the standard round, square, or 9 X 13 cake pan. If decorating a cake is a new experience for you, staying with a simple design will make the process less stressful. As an alternative to decorating a large or multi-layer cake, you might opt for decorating cupcakes instead.

Some children do not actually like cake and would prefer some other option. An ice cream cake is a popular alternative to the traditional decorated cake with lots of icing and candles. You can special order ice cream cakes just as you would a standard cake. Or, you can mold the ice cream yourself into various shapes that match the theme of the party.

A large sugar cookie can be decorated to take the place of a standard cake. You can add candy pieces, icing, sprinkles, or numerous other toppings to create a uniquely personal cookie. You can also make smaller cookies to serve the guests. You could decorate the small cookies in a more simple manner, but in a design that matches the large cookie.

Some children prefer pies such as strawberry, chocolate, or lemon to cake. Their favorite pie decorated with candles would surely make them smile. Brownies, ice cream sundaes, pudding cups, a cheesecake, or decorated rice Krispie treats are all possible cake alternatives to consider. Another uniquely creative birthday cake alternative would be a popcorn cake as the centerpiece for the table with smaller popcorn balls for individual guests.

Traditional Birthday Cakes and Their Alternatives

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Friday, November 4, 2011

What Is Your Favorite Marshmallow Recipe?

!±8± What Is Your Favorite Marshmallow Recipe?

There are not many people who do not love the sweet, light taste of marshmallows. Although this candy is great by itself, it can also add a special touch to recipes. If you have never tried a marshmallow recipe before, it will not take long for you to choose a favorite.

When plain cake frosting will not do, it is the perfect time to try marshmallow fondant. For any special event, it is the ultimate cake topper. While fondant has been a specialty in some cultures for generations, a marshmallow fondant can be made in the microwave. The only ingredients you need are miniature marshmallows, confectioners' sugar, butter or Crisco, and vanilla extract. It can be a spectacular centerpiece for birthdays, weddings, and anniversaries.

Childhood is not complete without Marshmallow Krispy Treats. For your own children or for parties, they will be the center of attention. You can choose between traditional Rice Krispies or chocolate. As they do not take long to prepare, they are also a nice snack for your family.

Creative moms might like to make their own candy. You can try a marshmallow recipe suited to your tastes and skill level. If you have never thought about making your own marshmallows at home, it is something you and your kids can have fun doing together. Marshmallow fudge is another option. While some moms find it relatively easy to make, others consider it rather complicated. Either way, it is something you really should try.

Marshmallows in hot chocolate are great, but trying new recipes bring them to an entirely new dimension. Whether they are a staple in your home or not, you will always want them on hand for whenever the creative mood strikes. They can make any day a special occasion, and any occasion a creative experience

What Is Your Favorite Marshmallow Recipe?

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